Being a beginner….again.
About nine months ago, I took up a hobby from my childhood—making pottery. I took a few classes on using a pottery wheel in school, but most of that knowledge is long gone. My first three visits to the pottery wheel were rough last fall, and I wasn’t able to make anything. But slowly I have been learning from friends and other potters and getting incrementally better. I even have a few finished pieces! Nothing I could sell on Etsy, but seeing my progress has been exciting. It has also been a great reminder for me about what it’s like to be a beginner—as many of our music students are. For some, it can be intimidating or discouraging to be a complete beginner. But progress comes with time and consistency, and just as my bowls and pots take on finer shapes, I hear my students making wonderful music and marvel at the development they make each and every week.
Don’t be afraid to be a beginner, it’s the only way to become an expert!
-Laura Lee Crandall, owner, KCRB – (816)419-8526
Student of the Month – Zahne Brown
Congratulations to Zahne for being selected as the Student of the Month! He has been studying piano with Karren Schiele for one year. He’s made excellent progress and loves challenging pieces! Zahne is in 7th grade.
A bit about Zahne:
Why did you choose to play piano?
It’s fun to play.
What is your favorite song you’ve played so far?
The Magic Man
What is a song you’d like to play in the future?
All the classical songs!
What other hobbies do you have besides music?
Basketball and computer games
Have you been thinking about learning an instrument?
Summer is a great time to start!
We offer lessons in: Or join a Summer Rock Band!
Voice (Singing) Our Rock Bands are coached groups of students
Guitar that have experience on their instrument.
Piano Each band rehearses weekly with a teacher and
Drums will perform at the end of the summer.
Bass For Middle and High School students:
Ukulele Mondays 5:30 – 6:30
Saxophone or Thursdays 5:30 — 6:30
For Elementary or early Middle School students:
Thursdays 3:00-4:00pm
Students may join anytime in May, or the first week of June. The commitment is June – August. Please call for more details!